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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Convert Graffiti 2 to Graffiti 1 on Palm device


Ever since Xerox's lawsuit against PalmSource over its Unistrokes patent, PalmSource has replaced good old Graffiti with Graffiti 2 which is based on CIC's Jot input method. Although Graffiti 2 works close towards natural handwriting, majority of veteran users of Palm devices find Graffiti 2 to be less efficient and prefer to stick with original Graffiti which they have grown to love over the years.

This fix is only a temporary measure to prolong Graffiti use on existing devices and is not expected to be available for the next generation Palm OS (version 6 or officially called "Cobalt"). PalmSource will never is unlikely to revert to the original Graffiti and it would be best to re-train to use Graffiti 2 or get a third party software like TealScript or get a device with a thumbboard. In the extreme case if you choose to, get a PPC instead since Graffiti method of entry is available on it.

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-official modification and its use is at your sole discretion.

This is a Graffiti 1 conversion for Palm Zire 71, Tungsten C and Tungsten E/T2/T3 users. The files were taken from the Tungsten T.


For those with more recent Palm PDA like LifeDrive and TX, you may need to use this version:

Igor's modified Graffiti 1 Libraries - G14OS54.zip

Procedure to install:

1. Beam or copy the 2 database .pdb files (Graffiti_Library.pdb & Graffiti_Library_enUS.pdb) to the target handheld you want to install original Graffiti on. You should copy to the SD or MMC card first, then use normal copy to transfer over to your Palm. DO NOT HOTSYNC DIRECT TO THE PALM'S RAM.

Additional step for Tapwave Zodiac users:

1a. Using Filez on the Zodiac, look at the Details of 'Graffiti Library' and change the VersionID: to a value greater than 524 and Save.

2. Perform a soft reset (simply press the device's reset hole on the back), and you're set to start enjoying original Graffiti again.

Why this works: The OS loads RAM as first priority if files of the same name exist in both RAM and ROM.

Procedure to uninstall without a hard reset.

1. In FileZ, go to the Details form for each database(Graffiti_Library.pdb & Graffiti_Library_enUS.pdb). Change both the name and creator code of the two databases.

2. Soft reset your device.

3. Return to Filez again and delete the two databases.

Why this works: Palm OS does not allow the files currently utilised by the system to be deleted however it will allow changes to attributes or info. After a soft reset, the system will be unable to load the modified database files so it will instead use the ones within the ROM.

MiddleCaps Hack replacement

For those who are used to MiddleCaps Hack for uppercase entry by writing across the boundary between the alpha/non-alpha region of the silkscreen, the solution is to install the freeware called CrossingOver.

Singapore Bus Guide for Isilo & Plucker

Singapore Bus Guide on Palm screenshots

This is a simple unofficial electronic version of the Singapore bus guide for access on mobile devices supporting Isilo reader or Plucker. Both reader file formats are available in either PPC/WinMob and Palm OS Devices. Isilo is also available for Symbian S60 3rd edition devices (Isilo for Symbian S60 3rd Edition).

The bus guide has the full listings by bus numbers and road names for both SBSTransit and SMRT bus services. It also lists bus services at specific bus stops plying specific roads to allow easy cross-referencing when planning bus transfers.

Disclaimer: The data for Singapore Bus Guide is presented as-is. The author does not warrant the accuracy of the data provided or any failure resulting from its use. Use at your own risk.

The files are offered free-of-charge for personal use. Please feel free to share and pass it around.

Download the Singapore Bus Guide for Isilo or Plucker.

You will require the respective etext readers depending on the version you download. Follow instructions as per your device's OS for transferring programs and databases.

You may download the respective programs from the following sites.

Isilo format: Isilo reader, for both PPC/WinMob and Palm OS Devices. Non-free software.
Isilo for Symbian S60 3rd Edition. Non-free software.
Plucker format: Plucker, for Palm OS. GPL Free software.
For PPC Windows Mobile users, use Vade Mecum. Free software.

Tips for Palm OS users

For Palm OS users, you may pair it off with the Bus Guide for Palm. This Bus Guide app allows you to find the connecting buses based on your origin and destination point. Do note that this program has not been updated for a long time so it may not give correct results. However it can roughly help you to plan the general route you can take to you reach your destination especially for unfamiliar locations.

Singapore Bus Guide in HTML format

This version is specifically catered for 'the rest of us' who do not use Palm or Windows Mobile devices but have devices such as Symbian OS phones with web browsers that have the ability to read HTML files. It also provides a means for users to easily convert it to other file formats.

For Symbian S60 OS users

To use the HTML files, copy all the files in a folder on your phone memory or memory card. Use the file manager to locate the folder and execute busguideindex.html. It should launch the browser with the bus guide main page. Bookmark the current page so you can easily access it via the web browser. Alternatively, you can manually create the bookmark in the S60 web browser using the address "E:/yourfolder/busguideindex.html"(omit quotes) where yourfolder is the name of the folder where the files are placed.

Download the HTML version here.
Other useful stuff

For the MRT guide, refer to this excellent app called MetrO.

If you have any feedback or comments, click here.

Credits: Thanks to Ethan Tan, the developer of Bus Guide for Palm, for developing the original parser.


Update (2 May 2010): General bus service updates. (354 buses, 781 roads, 5619 stops).

Update (8 June 2009): General bus service updates. (355 buses, 774 roads, 5610 stops).

Important note: There is currently no identifier for Premium flat fare services however it can be located for services with "0.0" for all fare stages.

Update (17 July 2008): General bus service updates. (360 buses, 771 roads, 5608 stops). Removed debugging comments from HTML code(road lists).

Update (4 November 2007): General bus service updates. (327 buses, 763 roads, 5555 stops).

Update (17 July 2007): General bus service updates. (325 buses, 769 roads, 5539 stops). Fixed broken StopID code caused by new fare calculation column. Removed debugging comments from HTML code(bus lists).

Update (16 May 2007): General bus service updates. (310 buses, 770 roads, 5573 stops)

Update (23 March 2007): General bus service updates. (317 buses, 767 roads, 5589 stops). Fixed missing road name for first bus stop in direction 2.

Update (29 January 2007): General bus service updates. (316 buses, 766 roads, 5610 stops)

Update (20 July 2006): General bus service updates.

Update (27 March 2006): General bus service updates. Tidied up data in road index. Removed bookmarks for Isilo, found to be redundant.

Update (16 December 2005): General bus service updates

Update (14 November 2005): Minor update for Plucker version. Added link to jump between route directions.

Update (26 October 2005): General bus service updates

Update (20 August 2005): General bus service updates

Update (28 March 2005): General bus service updates and correction of certain errors caused by poor code during compiling.

Update (11 March 2005): General bus service updates

Update (22 October 2004): High-res font support for Isilo(for supported devices). More detailed cross referencing by bus stops instead of roads. Separated individual alphabetized list of roads with bus stops for faster retrieval. Added bookmarks for quick access to index pages (for Isilo).

Updated (13 October 2004): Included cross referencing to road index for bus routes.

Updated (4 October 2004): Latest bus service changes. New reader version! Singapore Bus Guide for Plucker.

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