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Saturday, November 05, 2005

PDF on Palm Too

Following up our review of native PDF readers, there is now a good working PDF reader for Palm known as PalmPDF. Best of all its free and open source! PalmPDF is based on Xpdf and the latest version 0.5 is by far close to an ideal PDF reader even though its still in alpha test phase.

There are resolution settings that allow you to configure the best performance based on your Palm device's available memory resources. I have tested it on my Zodiac 2 in Black and White and Grey scale mode which are stable after running it on a few PDF of over 60 pages without problems. Dragging, scrolling, zooming the page is smooth though it tends to take a while when loading up subsequent pages. Landscape and Portrait modes work well. Colour mode tends to force a reset even though it shows sufficient heap memory available.

This is by far a very good PDF software and I expect it to improve and become a fine work like what TCPMP did for media.


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